They both stand smiling at each other when they reunite.
Fabian and Nina reunite and almost kiss, only to be interrupted by Jerome.
The two are holding hands at the table at breakfast.
In the background, you can hear Fabian asking Nina if she's ok repeatedly.
Nina calls Fabian a word nerd and tells him how useful it is to date him.
They agree to go on a double date with Mara and Mick.
Fabian is excited to go on a normal date.
They sit next to each other at class.
They go on a romantic stroll.
The two hold hands as they walk to an abandoned library.
He took Nina's opinion over Joy's, when he was picking a picture for his profile.
He immediately changed his profile to in a relationship when Nina stared at him.
They were smiling at each other throughout the episode.
House of Spirits / House of Blackmail
Nina and Fabian are both close hiding behind the bookshelf.
Nina has told Gran all about Fabian.
Fabian and Nina sit together at the table.
They look at photos with Gran.
Nina plans a picnic date in the Attic, making up for the movie date that they've missed.
Fabian says the attic is a good place because they would never started dating if it hasn't been for the mystery. Nina agrees.
They almost kiss, but the cup starts glowing.
Amber thinks the date is cute, but weird.
They look disappointed about having to cancel the date.
House of Rivals / House of Faces
Fabian gave Nina a smile when Mr.Sweet said she could stay to help with the bid.
Fabian got upset and aid he was a pushover.
Nina tried to tell him he's not.
Joy tells Nina and Amber, in the bathroom, that her and Fabian are working together and Nina looks jealous.
She talks back to Joy, and Amber says,"Go Nina."
Nina is jealous and admits that Joy likes him.
Nina admits they are still best friends.
Amber asks if Nina likes Fabian.
Amber says they need more Fabina time.
Amber goes and plans a date.
Nina freaks out about the mask as Fabian tries to calm her down. Fabian touches her shoulder.
Fabian and Nina go to walk together to class, but Joy joins in.
Nina is mad that Joy joins in and says,"Perfect. The three of us. Finally."
Nina's Gran tells Fabian he needs to me more assertive if he wants Nina.
She tells him to write a poem for Nina.
When Joy said that her and Fabes make a good team because of their common interests, Nina has a jealous look.
Fabian looks at her.
Fabian writes a haiku for Nina.
Nina gets frustrated when she tries to talk to Fabian about the mystery, but he wants to read his poem.
Fabian gets upset that he couldn't read his poem.
When Joy joins them on their walk, Nina locks arms with Fabian and walks out first, leaving Joy behind.
House of Myths / House of Nightmares
Fabian apologizes to Nina about being assertive.
They go to Uncle Ade's shop together to figure out about the mask.
They plan to go on a date, but Gran's last night is that night and Nina can't.
She invites Fabian to go hang out with Gran and her, but Fabian declines.
Nina looks jealous when Joy and Fabian walk in all happy.
Gran tells her he likes Nina and that there's a haiku with her name on it.
Nina wants to plan a date, but Fabian is working with Joy.
Fabian says it's not really a date with him and Joy.
Fabian says he can cancel with Joy for the date, but it's too late.
They schedule another date.
When Fabian was dreamin, he was whispering and saying,"I can't Joy. I'm going on a date with Nina."
Fabian has a dream where Nina is in a dress and he is in a tux like on a date.
He touches her face admirely in the dream.
In the dream, he tells Nina that she is beautiful.
Senkhara was disguised as Nina the whole time during the dream tricking and marking Fabian.
House of Combinations / House of Heartbreak
Nina can tell Fabian is acting funny.
Fabian tells Nina about the dream.
She asked if he had the mark and blamed it on herself.
Nina was very concerned and Fabian ensures her that he doesn't have it.
Fabian didn't want to tell Nina because it would worry her.
Nina was relieved that he "didn't" have the mark.
They are very close when looking at the map.
Amber sets them up on a double date.
Nina says they are best friends to Amber.
Fabian says Nina looks nice for their date.
Both Fabian and Nina didn't want to go on the date.
Nina talk about how they are still best friends.
Fabian suggest things were better when they were best friends.
They break up, but Nina says later on "It was mutual".
Amber is sad they broke up and blames it on Alfie, showing she is a true Fabina shipper.
Fabian hugs Nina first when they win the bid.
Joy hugs him too and Nina looks jealous.
Nina is mad that Fabian didn't tell her about the mark.
House of Protection / House of Letters
Nina and Fabian are very close throughout the episode.
Nina and Fabian hold hands when they get scanned.
Fabian and Nina realize, when the scan is over, they are still holding hands and break them apart.
Nina and Fabian go in the tunnels, again, together alone.
They both are close to the door listening into Vera and Victor flirting.
While stuck in the Secret cellar, Fabian asks about Nina's gran trying to break the awkward tension.
Nina sits very close to Fabian on the couch.
When Senkhara comes to warn Nina, Fabian looks very sad for her.
Fabian pulls Nina close to him and lets her rest her head on his shoulder.
He also rubs her shoulder up and down too at that moment above.
Fabian and Nina miss Mrs. Andrews class and decide to go to Frobisher Library together.
They end up late for Mrs. Andrews class yet again but Nina save the day with her awesome french skills.
House of Crushes / House of Vertigo
Nina and Fabian are very close throught the episode.
Nina gets this jealous look on her face throughout the episode when Joy flirts with Fabian.
Nina decides to flirt with Eddie when Joy flirts with Fabian.
Fabian got jealous with Neddie and said Eddie burps to see if Nina would care.
Amber tells Nina "Fabian must really like you if he's learning hopscotch for you."
Fabian and Nina were talking before Jerome came in with the masks.
Fabian tried to tell Nina not to buy a dress from Jerome.
Nina tells Fabian he did great on his speech.
Fabian asks Nina to dance and she accepts.
Amber is happy that Fabian and Nina are dancing.
Fabian tells Nina that Joy's only his study buddy and that Nina is his best friend.
She smiles at that comment.
They lean in for a long kiss.
After the kiss, Nina left, but Fabian called her name.
House of Pressure / House of Deja Vu
Turns out everything that happened that last part of the episode was a dream.
Fabian and Nina deny remembering the kiss even though they do.
Amber knows that they kissed.
Fabian and Nina are close to each other throughout the episode.
Nina is jealous that Joy is spending so much time with Fabian.
She tries to bring up the Joy thing, but Amber shoves it off.
Fabian smiles at Nina from across the way.
He hands her a drink.
When Nina said that she didn't want to think about the dream,
Fabian got upset about the kiss, but Nina denys that part right away.
Fabian says Nina looks better than in the dream.
Nina runs back at hopscotch to get Fabian.
Nina grabbed Fabian's arm.
Nina and Fabian share a look when Fabian escapes the hopscotch.
Nina was glad that they didn't lose Fabian.
Fabian said that would never happen.
Fabian remembers the dream last night.
House of Hoods / House of Deceit
Nina congratulates Fabian on his speech.
They stand very close holding lemonade.
Nina, being sarcastic, says this kiss didn't happen yet.
Fabian agrees accidentally implying he didn't want to kiss her making her mad.
Nina, angry at Fabian for his comment, leaves to go for a walk and leaves her mask.
Fabian goes all around looking for Nina.
Nina comes back to the ball to find Fabian and Joy kissing and has a very sad look on her face.
She runs out crying as Fabian sees this and tries to chase after her.
She is still in tears when talking to Amber and says to not let Fabian near because she needs space.
Amber slaps Fabian for kissing Joy
Fabian tells Amber that it was all an accident.
He looks and sounds really upset when Amber wont let him see Nina
Fabian saves Nina from falling and they end up in an awkward position.
Fabian said that this is the part of the dream that he wasn't going to let come true.
Fabian said that he saved her and he thought she wasn't mad anymore.
Fabian looks upset when Nina insults him about Joy.
Amber thinks they got back together.
Nina tells her they are not and insults Fabian about kissing Joy.
She makes another remark about him kissing Joy a few moments later.
House of Pendulums/House of Impasse
Fabian wishes Nina good night and says," Sweet dreams."
Nina gives him a smile as a reply.
Fabian pulled Nina out of Victor's path and put his hands on her shoulders.
After Nina crossed the chasm, Fabian put his arms around Nina and pulled her close to him.
When Nina goes to put the spare amulet in the doll house, Fabian looks at her with a loving smile.
When Joy tells Nina that she will try to keep Fabian from
making Jabian happen, Nina says there's no "Fabina" and tells her not to
worry about it because Fabian is a free agent.
Fabian looks hurt when Nina said that.
After Nina said that, she seemed to have a regretful look on
her face, meaning she is probably questioning herself for saying that.
Fabian stood close to Nina when she got across the bridge.
House of Help/House of Phobias
Nina tells Fabian to be careful.
House of Isis / House of Curfews"Couple Time"
Fabian and Nina were in the cupboard togther trying get Victor very tired.
Fabian and Nina reminisce while Fabian lies with his head on Nina's bed.
Fabian says that he misses "Fabina"
Fabian asks Nina out again, but she falls asleep.
Fabian holds on to Nina's arm and guides her over the creaky floorboards in Victor's office.
House of Hacks/House of Stings
Fabian reassures Nina that they'll do fine before he and Alfie go through the strings.
Before Fabian goes through the strings, Nina grabs onto his arm.
Nina gasps the first time Fabian moves through the strings and sighs when she sees he's okay.
Nina gives Fabian helpful tips as he crosses the web of strings.
House of Envy / House of Names
Nina gets upset when Fabian and Joy go to the movies, so she
decides that her and Sibuna should go back to the web chamber without
When Nina finds out Fabian and Joy are going to the movies, Nina says that she thought she and him were going to see that movie.
Fabian says to Nina plenty of times that the movie with Joy is not a date.
When Fabian and Joy were watching the movie, Fabian avoids her when Joy tries to hold his hand and do other romantic things.
When Fabian saves the day, Nina looks happy he came.
Nina and Fabian meet up at the library where Fabian said he
needs to talk to her. Nina assumes Fabian is going to talk about the
movie "date" with Joy, but he didn't.
It gets awkward in the library, so Fabian tells Nina that he and Joy are just friends and that the movie wasn't a date.
Nina looks happy Fabian said that.
Fabian tries to convince Nina not to go through the door that is closing.
When the door is closing, Fabian yells for Nina multiple times.
House of Evidence/House of Genius
Nina calls for Fabian when she gets scared behind the door.
He's trying as fast and best as he could to get her out.
He yelled when he thought the door wouldn't open.
Fabian is the one that actually gets her out.
Nina and Fabian hug when Nina gets out.
Nina looked scared and Fabian looked relieved and hugged her tight.
Nina asks Fabian to stay and help her solve the puzzles while in the room.
He said it's getting late and that they should leave. She asks him to take pictures at least with a smile.
He agrees and takes the pictures.
Nina and Fabian go down to the cellar to snoop on Victor.
House of Accusations / House of Hasty
Nina and Fabian sit on the couch together while talking to Amber & Alfie.
Nina and Fabian are the only ones left in the room during breakfast.
Nina's peice of toast smells like cinnamon, which could be helpful for the task.
Nina gives the peice of toast to Fabian, assuming he will smell it.
Fabian thinks Nina is offering him her peice of toast, when she wasn't.
Fabian smells the peice of toast, and agrees cinnamon is a part of the task.
They think they figured out a part of the task.
Nina and Fabian sit together during Mara's trial.
They have time before the trial starts, so Nina says they should go to figure out the task.
Mr. Sweet tells everyone to sit down before they can go. Fabian is upset they can't go figure out the task.
After some of the trial, they call out a break. Nina, Fabian, and Amber go to the tunnels.
Fabian figures out the clue and the door opens to the next tunnel.
Nina is worried that they figured out the task so fast, and thinks someone was there before them.
Nina tells Fabian she is worried.
Fabian tells her it's OK, and that they are doing great with the task.
House of Sorry / House of Hex
Nina and Fabian walk to their desk.
Nina tells Fabian that she can not believe Mara got exspelled.
Vera tells Nina that there is some bad news about her Gran. Fabian looks sad in the background.
Nina walks in on Fabian and Joy talking. Nina steps back a bit to hear what they are talking about.
Joy tells Fabian it's his turn to pick the movie.
Fabian looks confused and says "next time?"
Joy tells Fabian to think about going out to another movie.
Fabian answers with a "maybe."
Fabian turns around and see's Nina.
Nina looks at him with a mad look on her face.
Fabian tells Nina many times that they are just friends.
Nina says "Yeah, sure, just friends.. I know."
Fabian tells Nina that he really means it.
Nina tells him to "forget it" and walks away.
Fabian then loses his memory because of Nina's words.
Fabian and Nina sit next to each other during the ping-pong match.
Fabian asks Nina how the game is played. Nina looks confused.
House of Silence / House of Warnings
Nina and Fabian sit on the couch together in the Drama studio.
Nina helps Fabian with his memory loss.
Nina asks Fabian if he still remembers her.
Fabian answers "Of course I do!"
Nina then asks Fabian who she is.
Fabian answers "Nina Martin! My best friend."
Nina smiles.
Later in Anubis House, Joy talks to Fabian about the movie.
Fabian looks confused.
Joy asks if he remembers. Fabian answers "no."
Joy is upset and leaves.
Joy thinks Fabian pretended to forget about the movie.
House of Status / House of Laments
Fabian forgets who Sarah is.
Nina tells him "SARAH, FABIAN! Doll house Sarah!"
Nina says sorry for yelling at him.
Nina and Fabian sit together at class.
Later in Anubis House, Fabian tells Nina they should take turns spying on Victor.
Nina agrees.
House of Heists / House of Alibis
Fabian runs into Nina & Amber's room that he found out something.
Nina runs up to him.
Fabian then forgets what he found out.
Nina tells him to try to remember.
Fabian says he can't.
Nina says it's ok while rubbing his sholder.
After coming up from a fail trip to the cellar, Nina and Fabian talk.
Fabian says he is going to the library to look for the missing instrument.
Nina says to write down what he finds out this time.
She also tells him to be careful.
Fabian agrees.
Nina tells him "As long as you don't forget me, Fabian." while smiling.
Fabian says "Hey, some things I can never forget."
Nina smiles at him while he walks away.
House of Reflections / House of Stooges
Nina and Fabian are seen close together throughout the episode.
At breakfast, Fabian cheers Nina up by telling her the quest is almost over.
When cleaning dishes, Nina blows soap bubbles at Fabian.
They are smiling and laughing while washing the dishes.
House of Zodiacs / House of Reckoning
Fabian gives Nina a speech.
Nina says it's a good speech.
Fabian jokes with Nina about how she should remember it in case the other Sibunas need it.
Fabian told Nina that Victor didn't have what they had, and had to catch himself and say that he meant ALL of the Sibunas.
Nina grabs Fabian's hand and they look at each other and smile.
Fabian looks surprised, but happy.
Amber walks in on the two gazing at each other and asks if it's "National Fall in Love Day."
They both let go and look embarassed.
Fabian and Nina are trying to figure out how to make the door open.
Jak już zapewne zauważyliście wszystko szczegółowo streszczone.
Na razie nie mogę tego przetłumaczyć, ponieważ przez cały weekend będę musiała się uczyć, ale w najbliższym czasie obiecuję, że to zrobię.
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